How to Success in Share Market Through Kundali
It may take months or years to create wealth out of the stock market, but it may take a day/hour to wipe out the entire wealth earned through the stock market or even what your accumulated wealth otherwise. People use their wisdom and research for share market business, whether full-time, part-time or even hobby. Whatever way it is, the money wheel can spin in minutes and that is how it proves the theory of riches to rags stories both ways. Don’t forget there are factors and forces working in the entire mechanism of share trading, and one needs to deal with them like dealing with a sword tip. So, you need to use your wisdom and check if your birth chart supports success in the stock market.
The share market is highly volatile, and earning profits doesn’t necessarily mean you get to keep them. The gains you make might disappear with your next trade. The fruits of your 99 perfect decisions can be wiped away with just a wrong decision. Therefore, making a fortune in the share market should aim for the profits to stay with you for a longer duration rather than being lost quickly. Additionally, share market dealings should not negatively impact other areas of your life, and the main ones are your accumulated wealth, goodwill/image, health and relationships. Therefore, it is not always the gains but the losses also should be kept in mind before making the decision to indulge in the share market.
What combination are good for share market
You search the internet, and you will find specific houses/planets seen for success in the share market. You will read what combinations are good for share market/stock trading. But as explained above, it is not only the gains but the houses of losses also need to be seen. So, I explain both the theoretical defined combinations seen for stock market in astrology and practical aspects to be seen. Astrology for share market indicates what combinations are seen/good for success in share market, according to date of birth/birth details of a person.
Combinations seen for gains from share market — A theoretical overview
Planets for the share market: According to astrology, Jupiter represents wealth, the Moon indicates a strong mind for risk-taking, and Mercury represents trade and the required intelligence for quick decision-making. Thus, one needs to assess the strength of these planets in the horoscope for success in the share market.
Some say Mars in the Ascendant second house, fifth house or eleventh house is good for speculation. Some say Rahu in the 5th house is good for share trading. But what about retrograde Mercury or a malefic Saturn?
Many even suggest what commodity share one should deal in based on date of birth/planets in the horoscope. There is nothing wrong with this. More important is what type of trading one should do.
Wealth Yoga: A wealth yoga involving the second and the eleventh houses of wealth and gains suggest great riches. Having a wealth yoga in one’s horoscope can benefit share trading but it is only the broad guideline. Success or failure in the stock market depends on planetary combinations and specific houses in the birth chart. Relying solely on this without considering other factors can lead to disastrous outcomes.
Houses for the share market: According to share trading astrology, the fifth house is the main house of share trading. It represents speculation, intuition, foreign trading, and currency. One needs to analyse the 5th, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th houses and the Lagna lord for the stock market trading.
There are many other combinations seen for success in stock market but nothing should be seen in isolation. And you need an astrologer who, to some extent, understands how to gauge the expected losses one can incur. This is not to scare or under estimate your wisdom about share market but a small effort to appraise you based on many practical astrological analysis.
Share Market Astrology- Key Factors Often Overlooked
Now, understand how the right conclusion is drawn after shedding light on all astrological factors considered for share trading. Let’s understand with the help of a few examples.
Example1 : Mr VS — Birth details: 23.07.1979, 08.17 pm, Mumbai.
His Lagna, Capricorn, Moon sign Cancer, born in Punarvasu Nakshatra and presently under Ketu Mahadasha and Mercury Antardahsha. This horoscope has Mercury, the Karaka for share market trading, in a retrograde position. The 10th Lord, Venus, is also located in the Sixth house. This undesirable combination suggests that he should avoid sharing market trading. In this horoscope, Ketu is sitting in the second house, the house of accumulated wealth and your savings. Ketu says either I will destroy your wealth, or you destroy your wealth on your own. Mercury is sitting with Jupiter and Surya in the seventh house, which says he can do stock market business but only long-term share trading. He can/will lose money if he indulges in intraday or option trading. In his case, long-term trade is advised. Mars is an obstructer in his charts, so he should consider pacifying Mars before making any decision to invest in the share market. Otherwise, the share market can prove to be a nightmare for him.
Exapmle 2: A Doctor VB wants to venture into Share trading: 9th July 1974, 3:50 AM. Bengaluru.
Lagna is Taurus. Moon sign, Aquarius. Born in the Shatabhisha Nakshatra, with Mercury Mahadasha on him. He can try his hands in share market but the main planet for instant gains Mercury is retrograde. Mercury sitting with Saturn and Surya is giving a bandhan yoga. He could be lured into option trading or intraday, but that will be loss for sure. He was advised to go for long-term trading; say, six/nine months, one year. But before that, he should remove obstructions created by Shani in his charts, sitting with Mercury in his second house, the house of accumulated wealth.
Example 3: Mr LP — 15.08.1968, 09.55 am, Mumbai, well-positioned employee wants to venture into Speculate trading.
Lagna Virgo, Moon sign Aries born in the Bharani Nakshatra, under Jupiter Mahadasha with Shani antardasha. For speculative things, we see Mercury because Mercury is the lord for gains from stock market or check the traits of Satta (instantaneous gains).
He has a potent Kaal Sarp dosha which can bother him every six months unless pacified. The fifth house lord Saturn is retrograde and that too debilitated. He can gain from share market but again not in intraday/short terms (as he mainly wanted to know about speculation). I told him you have an excellent horoscope to surely gain from share market. If you try future trading or intraday trading, you might gain a few times. But when you lose, then you will lose in chunks whatever you have earned, even your own money, will go away.
So, you should do share trading but in long-term trades, and it will be superfine for you. A debilitated Saturn might lure you other way, please do not do it. For you Jupiter is playing an obstructer, pacify it, you will never lose money and strengthen your Lagnesh Virgo by putting on an Emerald, you will always gain. Just remember: long term trading and do not fall into any trap.
One can read more about it on share market astrology.
The above practical examples should be a good guide for you to decide if you should invest in share market, if yes, what type of trading is good for you and what precautions/remedial measures you can follow. Do share business to gain after proper financial analysis of your horoscope. For any specific advice, connect with my office on +91 9999113366. Best Wishes from Mumbai Astrologer.